Taraba lawyers storm ICC, slams FG over double standards in Kaduna killings

Musa Affos
By -

*accuse Fulani of genocide
*Declare a national day of mourning for "Fulani
A coalition of young lawyers in Taraba state has
accused the Federal Government and Miyetti
Allah of displaying "double standards" with
human lives. The lawyers , under the auspices of
The Radicals, said the federal government have
continued to exhibit partiality in dealing with
crisis, stressing that only Fulani lives appear to
matter to the authority. It also said it would
proceed to the International Court of Justice at
the Hague to press charges against the federal
government and Miyetti Allah.
In a statement signed by Barrister Nierus
Johnson, the lawyers said, "we are reading of
people saying they are going to ICC and ECOWAS
court. Well they are not the only one who know
the road to these courts. We are on our way
there too with our own case. And I dare say we
have a better case. How many Fulani's have died
in crisis compared to ethnic groups across
Nigeria? Everyone from every part of this country
is now tired and angry. We have cows in
classrooms. Farmers don't go to farms anymore.
And there are more farmers in Nigeria. People
should not get it wrong. We are in pains
whenever any Fulani person dies because in
Taraba, for instance, we have relatives who are
fulanis too. We have Christians who are Fulani
too. So it is not a religious thing. We love the
Fulani amongst us and we shall continue to
protect them but that won't stop us from telling
the truth. The federal government has
demonstrated that Nigeria has first class and
second class citizens. Fulani and their cows are
now the first class citizens."
Johnson said the response style of the federal
government to crisis around the nation denotes
that it is only when Fulani cry out that it swings
into action. He said, "when Fulanis cried out
recently during the Mambilla crisis, see the swift
reactions. A GOC was dragged from Jos to the
state. And we have GOC's around here but they
had to go to Jos and get someone to do their
biddings. He came here and said he saw
something worse than Boko Haram. But we
haven't heard him recently with the southern
Kaduna killings. Fulani are unleashing hell
everywhere and we have not seen Minister of
interior, Mr. Danbazzau visiting those places. Or
summoning the governors for questioning. In our
case in Taraba, and don't forget that it wasn't
only Fulani that died in the mayhem. Other tribes
suffered losses too. But it was the Fulani and
their cows that made sense to the federal
government. Taraba saw all sorts of " fact
finding mission " visits by national figures. But
for all the crisis and loss in southern Kaduna in
other places in Taraba, Benue and Nasarawa
states such visits by those figures have not
He said that the lawyers have resolved to drag
the federal government to the International
Criminal Court to press charges and seek
protection for ethnic groups. He said they would
also storm the ECOWAS court to sue Miyetti
Allah and other Fulani bodies for encouraging
trans border importation of mercenaries in
reprisals attacks.
They also declare the 1st of August as a national
day of mourning, urging ethnic nationalities to
quietly pray for the repose of souls of victims.
"We are urging our people to mourn the death of
Tivs, southern Kaduna people, Jukuns, Mambilla,
Kutebs and even some innocent law abiding
Fulani caught in the cross fires in Sarduana local
government. We don't believe in reprisals as
vengeance belong to God. But let us quietly pray
for those who have died and those who now bear
the brunt of vicious attacks by Fulani and the
one sidedness of the authorities." Ru

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