Reports reaching Taraba reporters has it that, the APC in Taraba state has brought in mechinaries all the way from Ibadan with plans to gain access into the INEC ICT office so as to temper with card readers of PDP strongholds. The meeting was held in Gavey Yawe's compound with Bobboi Kaigama and Co. Their main aim is targeted at Mbamnga and Warwar in Sardauna LG.
During the meeting they also discussed on how Bobboi will deployed thugs to Kusuku and Kakara so as to disrupt the process there knowing that those are PDP strongholds. They plan to disguise some of this thugs to be APC agents carrying Tags with preparedness to disrupt the process and snatch results sheets after results entry's are made.
Bad news for them is that we have every of their plans known to us and we are watching them and hoping they don't make the mistake of trying to test what they have plan because they will not like how the anger of the people will be vent on them. We also called on the security agencies to be informed of this pre-planned act of flawing the electoral process by this individual and to have a close watch on them.
As for the INEC we advise that you stay neutral and allow the people's votes to be counted and do not accept any one influence you negatively in trying to manipulate the process in their favour, as we have said before, our ears are on ground and our eyes wide opened on every of your activities.
Lastly we want to warn in strong terms that last time an act of results sheets snatching and abduction of a INEC ad-hoc staff in Kakara was allow to go unpunished but it won't be allowed this time, the people will not allow anyone to temper with their future,anyone who trys that will feel the wrath and anger of a pained man, a word is enough for a wise.