Governor Ishaku Calls for Consensus Candidate ahead of December 9th PDP Convention

Musa Affos
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4 minute read

Professor Gana said 2019 Battle is on South West

His Excellency Governor Darius Dickson Ishaku responding to a Caucus of PDP stalwart who visited him yesterday in Government house Jalingo said he is optimistic about PDP returning to power come 2019. The delegation was led  by Professor Jerry Gana and had in company Professor Tunde Adeniran a candidate aspiring for the Chairmanship position of the party from South West,  Senator Mantu, professor Ben,  Hon Shehu Gabam etc. Ishaku describing the delegation said once you see this people there is no gainsaying that the person they are leading has everything you need as a leader. Darius said PDP failed an exams,  went back to study and has return and ready to pass with A1.

Ishaku who is one of the two Governor's governing a PDP state (Taraba) in the North said What PDP need now is a man with character a man of courage a man with the capacity to galvanize all and are sundry. All the values of our leaders past shall never be in vain and today the present leadership has shaken that Labour of our heroes past to the foundation and that is shameful and disgraceful Darius said.

I have often said we are either building a country or Somalia and God forbid to build Somalia. All candidates could be of 'A' grades but it depends on the 'A' with highest Accord . He said the only party that is well developed in Nigeria is PDP it brings everyone together and that is what Nigerians are itching for today because you can't sweep away everything you used your hard time to gather so for the broom is never an option.

The Rescue Captain added by saying We must put all our axe together and avoid Going to the convention without consensus we must avoid giving this very important opportunity to anyone but to somebody. I know the pains of been a leader and that is why we must push for the best candidate and he who can bring that desired hope for Nigerians because if we must bring salvation to Nigeria then the unity must start now through going to the convention with one voice. If we present a candidate with the ability and capability then we won't need all the energy to campaign for reclaiming our mandate. Ishaku said him and his colleagues are working tirelessly to come up with the best candidate who will take the party back to her lost glory

Amb professor Ben making remarks said he was meeting Gov Ishaku for the first time and was going to note it in his dairy because he is privileged to have met a great man. Ben said Without the unity that existed in the North there wouldn't have been a PDP with such formidable force, and That is why when we are sick we go back to were we were treated and now we are back to the North to ask for that unusual force of healing our ailments. Nigerians took what PDP did for granted and now they've been thought some lessons because unity was taken for granted and if we had never stepped aside Nigerians wouldn't have known the need and importance of unity. The political professor said The North was the medicine used in building one strong United and unbeatable PDP then, and we must used that medicine again. It is only one person that is good for a particular post at a particular time that is why We need a chairmen that will not draw attention to him self but to the party,  we need one that understands the party from unset, We need someone who can rejuvenate the fundamental basis of the party,The man who can give Nigerians a experiment they never had.

In a brief remarks Professor Jerry Gana on behalf of the delegation thanked Gov Ishaku for according them a warm reception. Gana speaking of there support for Professor Tunde Adeniran said they did not go for ideological parties, because the first task is for deliberate restoration of democracy. For democracy to earn the respect of any leadership we need a man of courage,  integrity and capacity envoy and all this is found in Adeniran. We are entering the face were ideas will rule that is why some of us who are privileged to be part of this generation want a leader who has ideologies in politics. You don't win an election without strategy that is why we must position the party in such a away that winning 2019 becomes clear Jerry said. The battle ground in 2019 will be the south west because the focus will be largely on that, so were to place the chairman is not South South nor South East but the south west. He said we are generals in this field of battle and people with ideas are those we are footing. We are not zeroing on any body but by what he has to offer,  and We've done our research and we are going with Tunde Adeniran.

Jerry Gana pleaded with Governor Ishaku saying if Taraba and Gombe adopt professor Tunde,  then he automatically will be  adopted. Gana pleaded with Gov Ishaku to talk with Gov Dankwambo of Gombe so that the North East may adopt Tunde Adeniran as there candidate

Nelson C. Len
SA New Media Governor Darius Dickson Ishaku

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